Clinical Office:MPage Edition
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Clinical Office: MPage Edition Features

Advanced Data Management

Working with Cerner data in your MPage is a breeze with the advanced data management features included in Clinical Office: MPage Edition. Instead of traditional JavaScript callbacks, we use our custom designed data queueing system and Angular data services to handle the management of Cerner data in a worry free, simple to access solution.

When your MPage is initialized, multiple queues are assigned by the MPage developer. The default is typically two queues but more can be assigned. When a user makes a request inside your MPage the first available queue is used to make a CCL call. As subsequent requests are made the next available queue is used. If at any time all of the queues are in use the remaining data requests are held until one of the queues has completed its work.

As data returns from CCL it is assigned to the appropriate Angular data service for consumption in your MPage. The list below describes all of the available data services.

Service Name Description
AllergyService Patient allergy information.
APOService Contains address, phone and organization data.
CodeValueService Cerner code value reference data.
CustomService Contains your custom content returned from CCL scripts you create.
DiagnosisService Patient diagnosis data.
EncounterService Encounter (visit) information.
ErrorHandlerService Used to push Angular error messages into our custom activity log component
mPageService Core communication service that handles queues and data service management.
PersonService Person information.
ProblemService Patient problem data.
UtilityService Miscellaneous utility functions.

MPage Components

Clinical Office: MPage Edition extends the already great features found in Angular Material by adding functionality specific to MPage development.

Component Name Description Availability
Activity Log Provides advanced debugging capabilities allowing developers to see payload requests, error messages and content of data services. Now
Confirm Dialog Simplifies the creation of dialog pop-up windows such as confirm boxes, error messages, yes/no dialogs. Now
Date Picker Header Alternate version of Angular Material Calendar control header providing better Internet Explorer support. Now
MPage Designer GUI component for designing MPage layouts such as tables and data panels through assignable properties. Complete MPages will be possible with nothing more than CCL knowledge. v4.0
Patient/Visit Search Allows searching for patients and/or visit information similar to the Cerner encounter search window. v3.5
Provider Search Allows searching for providers for use in your MPages. v3.5
Scroll Bar Programmable scroll bar component. Can be used for slide gages or in virtual scrolling scenarios. Now
Searchable Tree Component that allows searching for terms which will populate a tree control. Tree control population will be determined by the CCL script being called allowing for searchable location tree views, event sets or any other parent/child relationships you may want to represent in a prompt. v3.5